The Unstraight Museum och Stockholms läns museum arbetade med projektet "Stockholm Region Unstraight" under 2015 med syfte att uppmärksamma platser i Stockholms län som är eller har varit av betydelse för hbtqi-historien. Detta för att göra dessa historier till en del i historieskrivningen. Det kan vara personliga berättelser om en plats,vilken som helst, eller platser där man har kunnat vara sig själv utan oro för rådande samhällsnormer, platser där det har skett saker som har bidragit till att förändra lagstiftning eller perspektiv, platser kopplade till personer eller grupper som har varit viktiga och det borde berättas om.
The Unstraight Museum och Stockholms läns museum arbetade med projektet "Stockholm Region Unstraight" under 2015 med syfte att uppmärksamma platser i Stockholms län som är eller har varit av betydelse för hbtqi-historien. Detta för att göra dessa historier till en del i historieskrivningen. Det kan vara personliga berättelser om en plats,vilken som helst, eller platser där man har kunnat vara sig själv utan oro för rådande samhällsnormer, platser där det har skett saker som har bidragit till att förändra lagstiftning eller perspektiv, platser kopplade till personer eller grupper som har varit viktiga och det borde berättas om.
The Unstraight Museum och Stockholms läns museum arbetade med projektet "Stockholm Region Unstraight" under 2015 med syfte att uppmärksamma platser i Stockholms län som är eller har varit av betydelse för hbtqi-historien. Detta för att göra dessa historier till en del i historieskrivningen. Det kan vara personliga berättelser om en plats,vilken som helst, eller platser där man har kunnat vara sig själv utan oro för rådande samhällsnormer, platser där det har skett saker som har bidragit till att förändra lagstiftning eller perspektiv, platser kopplade till personer eller grupper som har varit viktiga och det borde berättas om.
The Unstraight Museum och Stockholms läns museum arbetade med projektet "Stockholm Region Unstraight" under 2015 med syfte att uppmärksamma platser i Stockholms län som är eller har varit av betydelse för hbtqi-historien. Detta för att göra dessa historier till en del i historieskrivningen. Det kan vara personliga berättelser om en plats,vilken som helst, eller platser där man har kunnat vara sig själv utan oro för rådande samhällsnormer, platser där det har skett saker som har bidragit till att förändra lagstiftning eller perspektiv, platser kopplade till personer eller grupper som har varit viktiga och det borde berättas om.
Lesbisk Nu!, L.N eller Ellen: kärt barn har många namn. Lesbisk Nu! startades av ett gäng lesbiska som ledsnade på RFSL... En försommardag 2013 samlas ett fång kvinnor runt en grill i Enskede. De har känt varandra sedan "Ellen"- tiden eller längre och säger att de inte minns nå vartefter kvällen går kommer de fram ur sina gömslen, minnena, och någon har grävt fram några dokument från förr...
Unstraight = Anyone or anything that is or was not part of the straight norm in society. Stockholm Unstraight är en samling platser som har eller har haft betydelse för unstraighta människor i Stockholm från 1600-talet fram till idag (2013). Vårt varmaste tack till alla som bidragit på ett eller annat sätt - utan er hade det inte varit möjligt. Projektet har genomförts av The Unstraight Museum ( i samarbete med Pia Laskar och finansierats av Länsstyrelsen inom ramen för Kalejdoskop (2012 / 2013). Det främsta syftet med detta projekt är att bevara och synliggöra unstraighta personers historia. Vi har samlat befintlig information, lagt in länkar till platser med information, tidigare arbeten, till personbiografier, till bevarade digitaliserade filmklipp liksom nya på YouTube med mera. Detta är på inget sätt en komplett samling: vår förhoppning är att du bidrar med din plats och den historia du känner till. Tillsammans skriver vi vår historia!
The Unstraight Museum och Stockholms läns museum arbetade med projektet "Stockholm Region Unstraight" under 2015 med syfte att uppmärksamma platser i Stockholms län som är eller har varit av betydelse för hbtqi-historien. Detta för att göra dessa historier till en del i historieskrivningen. Det kan vara personliga berättelser om en plats,vilken som helst, eller platser där man har kunnat vara sig själv utan oro för rådande samhällsnormer, platser där det har skett saker som har bidragit till att förändra lagstiftning eller perspektiv, platser kopplade till personer eller grupper som har varit viktiga och det borde berättas om.
Their sexuality was speculated about at the time - and still is; there was never any 'proof' that they were lesbians, although they shared a bed; but... today, would they have stayed in Ireland and married ?
Destined for unwanted marriage, in 1780 they eloped together from Ireland to live at Plas Newydd near Llangollen in Wales. Although rather reclusive, they became celebrities, something of a cult for visitors - mostly writers (Lord Byron and William Wordsworth were enthusiasts), and several potteries brought out various commemorative lines to celebrate/cash in on their fame.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
Contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
contribution to The Cabinet exhibition, supported by The Unstraight Museum, UNESCO, the Swedish Institute, and other museums and NGOs in Vietnam and Sweden.
I was 8 years old and was sat on the roof of one of the apartment buildings in our neighbourhood with my best girlfriend. None of us had kissed our boyfriends and decided to try it out. It felt so right, I went to bed happy that day! The next day when I tried this out with my boyfriend, nothing happened, I didn't feel the same thing at all as I had done the previous day... I broke up with my boyfriend and told my girlfriend but got the reply: 'I like you, but, girls should be with boys and not other girls. We're practically together all four of us anyways, what you felt is called friendship...!'
I'm a man, but I like both the color pink and other men. When I was little I had this gorgeous bag, according to myself. It was pink in a few different shades. This bag came in two versions: the pink one but also a blue one. Anyways, a friend's mother told me one day: - Shouldn't you ask your mother to buy you the blue bag? So you don't have to feel so girly. Children don't care about what's pink or considered 'girly'. Adults should learn from this. I will always love pink.
Last month I told my mother about my homosexuality. She asked me several hurting questions demonstrating her ignorance: 1) Do you sleep with all your gay friends? 2) Why do you have to hang out with other gay guys? - then you'll become even more immersed! 3) Gretas – why do you even go there? Only trash! Sad!