The gothic style of this emblem coincides with six months, which symbolizes the six cycles of a very strong relationship. Unfortunately, this relationship ended because my boyfriend needed to leave the country for economical reasons.
This is a present since 2011 that I kept with love. It is a present from a guy that has loved me very much and when he gave it to me he said: “I want you to remember me every time you look at the bear!” Since that day I have kept the bear and remembered that person.
I got this necklace as a present from the person who inspired me to be an LGBT activist, Mindy. She had it till she came out and started to be an activist, 20 years ago and when she gave it to me she considered it like passing on the strength and hope of activism to me.
I discovered a large part of my gay identity through poetry. I fell in love for the first time in my life at the same that I was reading these poems by the Belgian gay author Tom Lanoye.
This is an important object for me since it represents the years of work at Aleanca LGBT. It is a gift that I got from an Israeli colleague during a training.
This is is the necklace of my love. It is the most important object of my life because
a piece of my soul is hidden there. On this necklace I have promised that if I pass away before the love of my life, it will pass to her to guide her in the search for me.
This Venetian mask is a gift that the person of my heart made to me. This is an important object for me because it represents the mask that I have to wear everyday being a gay boy
This object is important to me since it is a gift to the office of Alliance and now I have it everyday on my woeking table and time after time this object makes me think about Paris, the city that I love the most in the world.
This bracelet is a gift from a friend of mine in the most difficult period of my life when I lost the belief in myself that I could live free being young gay man
1988 införde det brittiska underhuset ett tillägg till Local Governement Act, som stadgade att lokala offentliga verksamheter “shall not intentionally promote homosxuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality” och man fick inte heller “promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship”. Lagen gick under olika namn, Clause 28, Section 28, och Section 2A, beroende på olika beteckningar i brittisk lagstiftning.
Lagen uppfattades som en diskrimineringslag mot homosexuella och den bekämpades kraftigt med många olika metoder.
Sverige fick besök av en engelsk ‘Stop Clause 28-kampanj’ som reste runt i Europa under våren 1988 för att väcka internationellt stöd för att stoppa lagen. I Göteborg framställde dessutom några aktivister detta brevkort, På baksidan krävdes att lagen skulle dras tillbaka och mottagaren var förtryckt: Mrs Thatcher, Prime Minister, Nr 10 Downing Street, London, UK.
Brevkortet kopierades i många exemplar som undertecknades individuellt, frankerades och lades på postlådan.
Lagen avskaffades slutligen år 2000 i Skottland och 2003 i resten av Storbritannien.
Our mission is to document queer culture in all its aspects in order to raise public awareness on LGBT matters. As queer issues are at the forefront of social debate in China’s present-day society, we believe that the need for information about LGBT and sexual health issues will continue to grow during the coming years.
We aim to inform both the LGBT and the non-LGBT members of Chinese society in a relaxed and unrestrained way on the various aspects of queer culture, by sending out empowering images of queer life .
Our main medium is a 3-monthly online show which discusses the dynamic characteristics of China’s burgeoning queer culture and the newest developments in the global gay movement. Another important medium consists of online video news items which cover important Chinese and foreign queer information and events.
We strive to provide well-researched, informative, entertaining and positive insights into queer culture. We do not spend time justifying homosexuality, but instead we choose to increase the visibility of the LGBT community and appreciate its intricacies in-and outside of China. We strive to strengthen our position as an audiovisual information and support centre for the LGBT-community.
We record and promote important queer events organized by LGBT organizations in order to expand our archive of LGBT-related footage and create a visual memory of all things queer in China. This archive is open to researchers and LGBT organizations for educational and training purposes Moreover, we want to support other members of the media (including members of the mainstream media) in their efforts to cover queer topics by promoting a well-informed and respectful approach.
We strive towards becoming self-sufficient in our efforts to raise awareness and support the LGBT movement in China. We increasingly will engage the support of commercial businesses who want to attract LGBT-friendly customers in order to create an income which will allow us to expand our LGBT activities in China.
Queer Comrades started its show in April 2007 under the English name “Queer As Folk Beijing” – a name it changed in April 2009 when the show started its third season of online broadcasting.
History of the object:
Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf, född 20 november 1858 på Mårbacka i Östra Ämterviks församling i Värmland, död 16 mars 1940 på Mårbacka, är en av Sveriges mest framgångsrika och uppskattade författare. Selma Lagerlöf var 33 år när hennes debutroman Gösta Berlings saga utgavs 1891. Hon tilldelades Nobelpriset i litteratur 1909.
Lagerlöf var den första kvinnan i Svenska Akademien och den första kvinnan som fick Nobelpriset i litteratur. Hon var även en av ursprungsledamöterna i Samfundet de nio.
På det privata levde hon i en triangelrelation där Valborg Olander och Sophie Elkan ingår.
“Å kära, du måtte väl inte taga Valborg – var det Valborg – istället för mig.” Den som ställer frågan är Sophie Elkan i ett brev till Selma Lagerlöf och året är 1901. Frågan var befogad för Selma Lagerlöfs och Valborg Olanders förhållande utvecklades snabbt till ett kärleksförhållande, och det komplicerade triangeldramat som började när aktörerna var i fyrtioårsåldern skulle vara livet ut för alla tre.Med åren blev Selma allt mer beroende av Valborg. Inte bara för att ha någon som väntade när hon kom hem från sina långa resor på kontinenten tillsammans med den andra kärleken, Sophie Elkan utan också för att värna författarskapet mot den växande högen av brev och åtaganden som kom med berömmelsen och Nobelpriset.
Valborg blev en blandning av sekreterare, allti- allo, vän och älskarinna. Man kan föreställa sig att det var en sådan Selma behövde. 1906 skriver hon berömmande till Valborg: “Du håller på att bli en riktig författarhustru.”
2008/07/26 we registred our partnership after 14 years of living together. A man we know held the cermony and a lot of friends and family joined our happiness.
This is a little doll I got from and former lover. I was sad that I often felt unscure about how to comfort her and make her happy. She was often very sad.
The motive with an eight-legged horse and a rider is taken from a Viking Age picture stone from Gotland in Sweden. The horse is Sleipner, who appears in the Old Norse mythology as Odin’s horse. On his back is a fallen warrior being taken by to Valhalla, where dead warriors can feast in eternity. The warrior has a sword by his side, the handle sticking up and looking like an unmistakable phallus. Sleipner was an unusual horse. His eight legs symbolize his abilities to gallop faster than the wind, across land and water, in the air and between different parts of the mythological world. Sleipner also had some queer acquaintances. His owner, Odin, was one of the most unstraight figure in the Old Norse mythology. He could change shapes, e.g into animals, other genders and figures, and he was well-versed in seidr, the practice of divination, sorcery and magic. These skills sometimes required cross-dressing as well as mind-altering substances and techniques. Sleipner was born by Loke, a male half-giant/Old Norse god who at one point transformed himself into an attractive mare to distract the horse Svadilfare from performing some unwanted deeds. Sleipner was the result of this meeting. Loke was not far behind Odin as one of the most unstraight figures in the Old Norse mythology, being a trickster able to change shapes and even being able to give birth. At a closer look the logotype of the National Historical Museum in Sweden carries queer connotations and is rather unstraight!
The pendant represents Thor’s weapon, the hammer Mjölner. Thor’s hammers are found in Viking Age archaeological contexts. This one is made of silver and was found in a grave at Birka/Björkö, Sweden. In the Old Norse story The Lay of Thrym in the Poetic Edda, Thor’s hammer was once stolen by the giant Thrym, who wanted to exchange it for a marriage with the goddess Freja. Freja got quite upset and instead it was decided that Thor would dress up as a bride to trick Thrym into believing that it was Freja who came to marry him. He was followed by the half-giant/Old Norse god Loke, dressed as his maid. Eating and drinking too much during the dinner after their arrival at the giants’ place, Thor had problems passing as a woman. He was saved by Loke who told Thrym and the others that Freja had such huge appetite since she hadn’t eaten in eight days – that’s how eager she had been to go to the giants. Soon there was time for the wedding ceremony and the hammer was placed on Thor’s lap – the hammer had returned to its owner.
The sculpture shows Sebastian, a Roman officer who was punished for his Christian beliefs during the Roman persecutions of Christians during the late 3rd or early 4th Century. Sebastian was clubbed to death and later he became a martyr and saint, and as such he is pictured as a handsome youth, tied to a tree and shot at by his own archers – such as in this 17th Century sculpture. There are several holes on his body from which arrows used to stick out. The motive is common and in it his body is twisted in an agony that often looks to be on the verge of enjoyable rather than insufferable. The body position and the fact that he is usually nude except for a loincloth, shows off his body features and gives the impression that the body is to be desired. According to the legends some of Sebastian’s achievements were to cure a mute woman and to make a blind girl see again. After his death people turned to him in hope for good health and healthy bodies. During the Black Death when the plague swept across Europe, Saint Sebastian became a patron saint and a protector of potential victims. After this pictures of him became collectors’ items within homoerotic communities during the 18th and 19th Centuries. This statuette may very well have been such an item. Sebastian had become an icon with a new meaning and he was now considered a patron saint and protector within homoerotic circles. This was revived during the HIV/AIDS-epidemic of the late 20th Century.
This is a 7th Century helmet from an aristocratic boat grave in Vendel, Uppland, Sweden. The grave contained all the attributes for an aristocratic male warrior and leader of the time: e.g. the helmet, weapons, horse equipment, game pieces, cooking/serving vessels, remains of animals such as horses and dogs as well as edible pieces from ham and beef. So far the story is pretty straight. What is interesting from an unstraight perspective is that although the helmet is clearly a male attribute in archaeological contexts, it also appears in Old Norse stories as an attribute of the female Valkyrie or shield maiden*. Valkyries and shield maidens acted within more traditional male fields of the society, not always exactly as men but not as ordinary women either. They crossed borders and bent gender rules, as well as used male apparels. If any women like them existed in reality is unsure but the concept of them existed through stories and myths. For the male warrior the sword was probably the foremost symbol of his identity. For the Valkyrie or shield maiden the helmet was a more important warrior attribute. Putting on a warrior’s equipment was a step in the transformation into another role than the woman’s. The helmet was probably the last paraphernalia to put on and as such it finalized the transformation. Also, helmets like the one from Vendel were mask-like. They did not only function as protection, they also covered the hair and parts of the face. Masks helped you to be and to come across as somebody else than your usual appearance would have allowed. *In the Saga of the Volsungs it is explained that the shield maiden Brynhild “was concerned with helmet and hauberk and went to battle”. The prospective husband Sigurd told her that “The day we wed would be our happiest”. Brynhild, not so interested, replied “ We’re not fated to share our lives together. I am a shield-maiden, wearing a helmet along with warrior kings. I help them and I don’t find battle distasteful” ( saga.pdf, p. 41, 43).
The smurf with his broom was donated to the project ‘Future memories’ at the National Historical Museum, 2007. The smurfs are currently experiencing a revival with a new 3D-movie, after a rather perishing existence for some decades. The first comic strips with the smurfs were created by Pierre Culliford (Peyo) in 1958, a Belgian artist. During the 1970s the plastic figurines were immensely popular toys. The smurfs’ society has been accused of being socialistic, totalitarian and racist. Be that as it may, it’s also an almost exclusively all-male society where there is just one female around, The Smurfette. Form my own experience, the Smurfette figurines – there were several versions of her – tended to be less balanced and difficult to get to stand with the other smurfs (being a ballerina or for some other reason balancing on one foot). The smurfs definitely don’t encourage a strong, feministic view of women. On the other hand, they do encourage children who play with them to come up with other role plays and unions than the usual male and female stereotypes and heteronormative family play, which many other dolls and figurines more or less automatically point towards.
The ca 9000 year old skeleton of a woman that’s known as Bäckaskogskvinnan, the Bäckaskog woman, was found 1939 in Scania. For many years she was more known as Fiskaren från Barum*, The Fisher from Barum. This is one of the oldest and most well preserved skeletons from the Mesolithic Stone Age within the borders of Sweden. The woman was ca 150 cm and about 45 years old when she died, and she was buried in a sitting, crouching position. With her there was a flint-edged bone arrow and a chisel-like bone object that may have been used as a kind of needle for making/mending nets, for digging for roots etc., or for something that we can’t identify. The skeleton was interpreted by archaeologists as having been a man, although there were many uncertainties regarding the gendering; e.g. the size was considered too small for a man and the pelvis and skull not having specifically defined male features. One reason that was used as support for the theory was the arrow with the flints which indicated that the owner had been a hunter, and therefore presumably a man. This interpretation came to dominate until 1970 when a new examination of the pelvis was undertaken and it was discovered that it had marks from several child-births. The fisher became a woman. At the same time the epithet changed from including an imagined occupation to defining the person’s gender. Apparently the person from Bäckaskog couldn’t keep the epithet ‘fisher’ anymore after it was decided that she was a woman. (*Bäckaskog is the name of the castle on which properties the find was made, and Barum is the name of the village where the castle is situated. Both place names are used for the find but Bäckaskog is the name that is regularly used by the National Historical Museum.)
This device is vital for my relationships with my extended bio- and chosen family. It is used for social media such as facebook and twitter which is also vital for my community connection and interaction as well. I use skype for video-dialogue with family and friends since I often travel and and also have long distance relationships. The text and mms-function is also used to chat, share thoughts and moments as well as more intimate and sexy exchange. When it, during network problem for example, is not working it’s functions are very much missed. It is bought at a store in Stockholm in 2009.
Scala Eressos, Lesbos, Greece. Where women go from all over the world to met and make new friends and lovers. This is a picture of my new friends from Amsterdam and San Francisco.
I became a member of the swedish lgbt-organisation in 1982, RFSL. I was 19 years old and happy to live in a country where there was somewhere to be a member. I still am. By then I was the only dyke in a small town. I got new friends when I moved to the capital.
Radio tuner used in the studio at Stockholm’s Gayradio to listen to and check their own broadcasts. The first program was broadcast on 31 May, 1979. Initially, broadcasts lasted 15 minutes, once a week on 88.0 MHz. During the 1980s, the usual times were Thursday and Sundays, 7:30-8:30 pm. Listeners were most interested in personal life histories from homosexuals who had come out, short stories read aloud, news from the gay movement’s front line and recorded church services for gays. The strength of the radio medium in this context was that listeners were not identifiable. You could listen anonymously.
The cassette radio used by Lennart Johansson around 1980, when he was 15 years old, to listen in secret to programming from Stockholm Gay Radio and broadcasting on 88.0 MHz. At the time, Lennart was afraid his mother would find out he listened to Gay Radio.
Record player used at Stockholm’s Gayradio when it began in 1979. Examples of artists often played were the Village People, Tchaikovsky, Rod Stewart, Tom Robinson, Frank Zappa, Joan Baez. The aim was for the music not to be representing heterosexual norms. The signature melody was ”Birdland” by Manhattan Transfer, describing club life in New York.
These bones are from a grave in Västerbjärs in the Gothem area in Sweden and is a part of the collections of The National Historical Museum in Sweden and the permanent exhibition "History of Sweden". The bones are also represented in the traveling LGBT exhibition "Article 1".
A picture of an evening at one of Stockholms gay bars, Mälarpaviljongen. Only opened in the summer, The picture is of a glas of wine and the view over the water.
Amyl nitrite and several other alkyl nitrites, which are present in products such as air freshener and video head cleaner, are often inhaled with the goal of enhancing sexual pleasure. Very common among homosexual men. It’s legality differs around the world.
I got it in Sarajevo, Bosnia Hercegovina from a group of students involved in an exhibition about human rights called Article One. It was used as a part of the exhibition. I did an installation with several books and this was the only book that did not reflect on homosexuality as something extremely abnormal. It is a textbook used for teaching in highschool.
I got it in Sarajevo, Bosnia Hercegovina from a group of students involved in an exhibition about human rights called Article One. It was used as a part of the exhibition. I did an installation with several books and this one showed how homosexuality was thought of in the same way and mentioned in the same context as pedophilia.
I got it in Sarajevo, Bosnia Hercegovina from a group of students involved in an exhibition about human rights called Article One. It was used as a part of the exhibition. I did an installation with several books and this book showed what the penalty for diverse sexual behaviour could be.
Imagine this guy was born female, but now called Sir on the streets of Kampala and the rest..
For many of us under estimate the power of God and knowing his image is more broader than what we are..
What a challenger he his..
This key i forgot to submit it when i checked out of the Flame lily lodge in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. I was my third time using the same room and on the last occasion i accidentally took this key with me. This room holds many memories for me. I then realised that probably my forgetting the key was not a mistake. I took all the memories with me and this includes this key which opened the door to my happiness. Now i want to share it with the museum, because as a Trans person living in a hostile environment, i can use this key to open doors of opportunity and know that my happiness depends on me.
Yogyakarta Principles are the principles related to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity rights which was developed on 2006 by human rights and law experts gathered in Gajah Mada University in Yogyakarta Indonesia to respond any forms of violence reported from all over the world. Institut Pelangi Perempuan (Indonesian Young Queer Women Organization) published the Yogyakarta Principles comic in order to create youth friendly media and easier understanding of the principles for the LGBT Youth. The comic is based on some true stories of young queer women in Indonesia and we relate it to the principles. It was published on 2010 in Bahasa Indonesia and 2011 in English and then LGBT organizations in Belgium on 2012 translated the comic into the Dutch and French, there were some international respond to translate the comic into their own language to use the comic for their community.
Even though the Singapore government censors a lot of gay themes in the arts, there are still many gay writers in Singapore. (My poetry collection “last boy” has major gay themes, but it still won the Singapore Literature Prize in 2006.) The first time we held IndigNation, our queer cultural festival in 2006, we organised a queer literary reading called ContraDiction. I was a performer then; every year since that I have been a curator and organiser. My friends and I decided to create a collection of writing by Singapore’s LGBT writing. We decided to include writing in all our national languages. So, in “GASPP: a Gay Anthology of Singapore Poetry and Prose”, we have poems, fiction and non-fiction in English, Chinese and Malay. The book was not banned. Instead, the government told all the major bookstores that it was investigating the book. This meant they were afraid to carry the book on their shelves, so we didn’t sell so many copies. Now, the ban seems to be lifted, and our print run has sold out.
This is the first manual of self-defense produced by transexual people part of the Collective of Transvestite Radicals affiliated to the Radical Party in Italy.
The silver ring is for when we got married with our friends as witness (1999), and the golden one is for when we got married legally with our kids and grandchildren as witnesses (2010).
In New Zeeland Kiwi’s are usually born brown or black in color. But every so often a white kiwi is born. Maori people consider these birds a treasure BECAUSE they are different. I thought it a suitable symbol to bring here, as the first person from NZ to talk about difference as an interest person – thank you
This is a pin with all the colors of our identity (rainbow & pink triangle) and with the hand doing V of Victory. But in Argentina, the hand means Viva Peron, a political movement that is important to the rights of the women and, in the last years, the LGTBIQ rights, we have Same Sex Marriage and a very avant garde Gender Identity Law, the best around the world. That´s why I pin my meet with that badge.
Our brochure tells some stories of people of faith – and their journey together. From a small idea the group has grown to over 40 member Groups from more than 20 countries around Europe.
Den här amuletten fick jag av en serbisk vän som köpte den till mig och min fru på Museum of Macedonia, det är en replik av ett föremål i deras sammlingar.
Vi var i Skopie ,och arbetade med utställningen Article one, och vår vän letade i mueets shop efter en bra present. Personalen började engagera sig och ansåg att Herm (son till Hemes och Afrodite) skulle vara en perfekt gåva.
En nymf blev förälskad i den vackra ynglingen Herm och ville förenas med honom. Nymfen bad gudarna om hjälp blev bönhörd…… så deras kroppar blev förevigt förenade till en ”varelse” som förenade den manliga styrkan och den kvinnliga skönheten..
We made the banner “Our rights are more important than your gas” together with the German organizations Quarteera and LSVD for the gay pride 2011 in Hamburg. We made it in 20 minutes and I was afraid that the words would leak in the rain.
Once a woman I really liked came to visit me. It was an exciting event, we talked all night, and something like a romance started between us. The next morning my old schoolmate unexpectedly came. When we all were sitting in the kitchen, the woman, to my surprise, switched to him. They started dating, and I kept friendly relations with her. She recently presented me with a gift that she got from him: the perfume Chanel Chance belonged to his mother, who assed away. She does not care about parfumes, that’s why she gave it to me, well, I know more about perfumes, and about loss of trust, and about senseless illusions of intimacy between people.
I wrote these lines somewhere around 1979–1980, when I was 16–17 or so, to a girl that I so much wanted to be mine. We were a group of girls who always hung out together in high school, but I wanted this girl in particular all to myself. I felt that the other girls were in the way all the time and took far too much of her attention. I could just imagine how they pulled her farther and farther away from me. With time I became so jealous and desperate that I went so far as to write her a poem, which I discreetly handed over to her at one point. Never before or since I have done anything as silly, but my only excuse is that necessity knows no law.
A few days later some of our mutual friends suddenly turned up and waved my poem threateningly in my face. Their accusation came in angry voices: “It’s a love poem, you’ve written her a love poem!” At that time in northern Sweden it was obviously “forbidden” for a girl to write a love poem to another girl. Indeed the general atmosphere was upset and it seemed as if I was guilty of some sort of “terrible crime”. So “terrible” in fact that it was impossible even to speak about it and it became something unmentionable. I would never have guessed, what an effective “intimidation-potential” I have always possessed? Their reactions seemed exaggerated to me, but at the same time I have to admit that I sure didn’t laugh my head off, after all I found myself in a tricky situation. From then on my friends and the girl in question avoided me, and I myself pretended that nothing had happened, which was a sort of tradition of self-preservation and self-protection I guess. As a diversion I tried my best to look like something from the movie Taxi Driver: “You talkin’ to me, you talkin’ to me?” Well to be honest it may not seem in retrospect to have been the best way of dealing with the situation. Eventually we all moved to Stockholm and they went on hanging out with each other, but their disapproval of me seemed to survive almost anything? To tell you the truth, at this point I would say that it was mutual: I never really made any effort to get in touch with them either. I have no contact with any of them today – a common fate anyhow when you outgrow each other for whatever reason – except for the very object of my former jealousy. She and I really have nothing in common any more, if we ever had. However, now and then, every two years or so, I get in touch with her just to see how she is doing. I guess it is just one of those old habits that you continue doing but which no longer serves any actual purpose.
I think that it’s very important that celebrities speak for the gay rights. I give my all to find these celebrities and to make them stand for the LGBT minority.
Simple and discrete symbol of my boyfriend and I getting married – not only same sex but also from very different parts of the world and very different cultures. Love makes everything possible.
Fotot är ett av ett sextiotal bilder som Stockholmspolisen fann hemma hos Carl von Platen år 1903, och som idag finns i Polismuseets samlingar. Anledningen till beslaget var att man med dåtidens ögon ansåg att bilderna var ett uttryck för homosexuella handlingar, vilka var förbjudna vid denna tid. Ser man fler av dessa beslagtagna fotografier ger de flera olika aspekter om samhället kring sekelskiftet 1900.
I made a seminar on safe sex for gay men in 2008 and understood how little gay men reflected about their lives. So I decided that it needed to be changed.
I made this Moomin picture for my girlfriend while I was waiting for her from her studies abroad. But it stayed with me because when she saw it she asked: “Why is the frame black?” I was looking for the frame to match the picture with the furniture in her house. She said: “We won’t have the furniture of such color in our house!” This was much more important than the frame.
Research materials for the film Companions – Tales from the Closet A film by: Cecilia Neant-Falk and Nina Bergström In this film about homosexual love, we meet five women in their 70s who talk about their lives from the 1930s to the present day. With humor and feeling they tell us about their budding love affairs and encounters with women, but also about self-loathing and clandestine relationships. They have all had to face their own fear about being different and risked losing friends, relatives and colleagues for something that is important and beautiful for them, but ugly and strange to others.
2003-2005 höll vi litterär salong på kafé Copacabana i Stockholm. Första lördagen varje månad körde vi ett queerfeministiskt kulturellt program tillsammans med en specialmeny från köket. Vi tryckte upp snygga program och biljetter och salongen blev snabbt en succé som pågick i två år. Den fyllde ett tomrum i Stockholm där många queerfeminister av olika kön kände sig hemlösa. Efter några år kontaktade vi alla medverkande och bad om bidrag till en bok: Salongsberusat (utkom 2011). Vi hade ett fantastiskt releaseparty i samband med Pride 2011 med författarläsningar av Sara Stridsberg, Beate Grimsrud och Evy Lewén på Copa och Bio Rio. Då visades även filmer av Anna Linder och Maja Borg och en fotoutställning av Casia Bromberg.
Show Me Love (Fucking Åmål) – for real. This is how Cecilia Neant-Falk’s film has been described. For three years she followed three girls in their coming out process. The girls participating in the movie filmed their daily life with video diaries that are combined with the director’s film material.
The image depicts logbooks and notes from the work with the film script.
När jag var 8 år visste jag förstås inte vem jag var; men en dag blev jag häftigt förälskad i en jämnårig kille, en klasskamrat. En dag under en rast kysste jag honom häftigt på ena kinden. Han blev förskräckt och ryggade. Jag kunde aldrig glömma honom och under fortsättningen av mitt liv har jag sökt efter samma känslomässiga upplevelse. Den lilla tändsticksaskbilen som jag gjorde vid denna olyckliga tid symboliserar för mig en tung ensamhet och nedstämdhet. Jag gav den “registreringsnummer” 13. Det gick sedan flera år till dess min kärlek fann ett namn. Det var gay.
Guldbaggen komisk, tragisk, bisarr, praktfull-som filmens konstrika värld. Dess skimrande flykt-den löpande filmremsan. 2003 års guldbagge har av Svenska Filminstitutet tilldelats: Du ska se att det går över- bästa dokumentärfilm. Regi: Cecilia Neant-Falk.
Distribution: Folkets Bio
Två saker jag vill reklamera/lämna tillbaka men tidigare inte hittat något bra forum för. Tills nu. Jag tänkte att “Unstraight” är en bättre kontext för min aldrig öppnade konfirmationsbibel och en kukring som visade sig vara lite för stor.
Kombucha började framställas redan 220 f.Kr i Kina och kallades då för Livets Elixir. Tillverkas på ungefär samma sätt som öl och vin genom jäsning (fermentering). En kultur av mjölksyrabakterier placeras i ekologiskt te och under processen bildas bland annat antioxidanter, organiska syror, enzymer och b-vitaminer.
1973 Rita Mae Brown published a book of poems. She writes, To the handsome Woman: Slip this book inside your blouse To lie against your heart In innocence.
Nordiskt Feminarium för Lesbisk Kultur och Livsglädje pågick 12-15 maj 1983 i Stockholm. Med pengarna som blev över startade vi en fond som lesbiska kunde söka pengar ur för projekt som var i linje med lesbisk kultur och livsglädje.
I början på 1980-talet fanns spänningar mellan lesbiska kvinnor i RFSL och lesbiska feminister från kvinnohuset i Stockholm. Det fanns historiska skäl som bottnade i att lesbiska tidigare brutit sig ur RFSL som då var mansdominerat. Men en ny generation lesbiska såg inte längre dessa motsättningar utan ville göra något tillsammans som bejakade lesbisk kultur och livsglädje i Norden. Vi skapade en arbetsgrupp på 13 kvinnor som ordnade en festival med workshops och kultur. Lesbiska kom från alla olika nordiska länder utom Island.
Den karnevalliknande demonstrationen var den första för endast lesbiska i Sverige – annars var frigörelsemarcherna som de hette på den tiden alltid blabdade med bögar, flator, bi:in och transpersoner.
his book is a result of one year research on history of homosexuality in Croatia conducted in 2007. THis was the first comprehensive research on history of homosexuality in Croatia. The book was published by Queer Zagreb.
“Hund med fitta / Dog with Cunt”
Konstverk av Linda Spåman
Utsmyckning från HBTQ-festivalens (Göteborg) Rainbow Party 2012.
Linda gav mig detta konstverk 2012 och det bor numera på vårt kontor i Stockholm.
The first queer fairytailes book published in Croatia by Queer Zagreb. The book was result of public competition for he best fairytales held in 2005 in Croatia.
Under Pride 2011 gav Transföreningen FPES mig (som socialstyrelsens representant) diplomet för mitt arbete med att få till stånd en utredning om frågorna kring vård och behandling och de rättsliga förutsättningarna för en ny juridisk fastställelse.
When I was 12 years old I saw a picture of Michelle Pfeiffer from the movie “Batman returns”. She played the character Catwoman and I was in complete awe. She was a bullied, repressed woman who after years of oppression fought back and took revenge on the people who made her life a living hell. As a young boy that was struggling with bullying she represented so much that was going on within me. She became my hero and lifelong obsession. And in many ways, in that time, she was my only friend.
På NonGovermentOrganisations konferensområde utanför Peking 1995 stod även ett "lesbiska tält" – konstigt nog – fyllt med kinesiska män. Funderingar – hur kommer det sig att kinesiska män visar detta stora intresse? Någon svarade – är det inte hemliga polisen som vill skrämmas?
- Unstraight är framtiden. Jag hoppas ni vågar använda det, sa Ylva-Maria och lämnade en påse med verktyg för att göra avgjutning av damers genitalier Vid invigningen av pridehouse i Stockholm på Pride 2012 får The Unstraight museum sin första donation från invigningstalaren Ylva- Maria Thompson. Två dagar senare är det ännu inte använt. Men vi får väl se. Framtiden är ju vår…
This icon was a gift from my mother when I was 12. When in bed, it was impossible for me not to see it, because it was hanged above my head. Always, before having sex, I took it down and put it in the drawer, thinking that the protector from the icon does not want to see two men sharing intimacy…